The St. Lawrence Valley Yacht Association actively promotes sailing and racing by providing informational resources in our area. Listed below are some of the racing events that we are please to have participated in.
La St. Lawrence Valley Yacht Association encourage activement la voile et les courses en fournissant des ressources informatives dans notre région. Vous trouverez ci-dessous certains des événements de course auxquels nous sommes heureux d’avoir participé.
Two-person Pursuit Race
Saturday, October 5th
Hosted by Pointe-Claire Yacht Club

Two-person Pursuit Race
Saturday, October 5th
Hosted by Pointe-Claire Yacht Club

Turkey Bowl
Saturday, September 14th 2019

Saturday, September 14th 2019
Labour Day Regatta
Long Distance Race
Saturday, August 31st
Racing continues on the Sunday and Monday September 1st and 2nd.

Long Distance Race
Saturday, August 31st
Course à Longue Distance
Les ‘TRINIDAD PLAYBOYS’ (musiciens de tambour d’acier des caraïbes)
Souper BBQ (option végétarienne disponible)
avec blé d’inde
(billets disponible dans le bureau du Club)
The ‘ONE LOVE PROJECT’ (groupe de rock et roll)
Long Distance Race:
The TRINIDAD PLAYBOYS’ (steel drum band)
Steak BBQ (vegetarian option available) & Corn Boil
(Dinner tickets will be available as of August 26th)
& ‘The ONE LOVE PROJECT’ (rock & roll band)

Mirage Cup & Mirage Trophy Regatta
Saturday, August 17th 2019

Saturday, August 17th 2019
This year’s Mirage Cup and Mirage Trophy Regatta has been reinvented with the addition of a Line-Honours Trophy. The Mirage Cup will be awarded, as usual, using PHRF handicaps. The Mirage Trophy has been newly redeeded as a Line Honours Trophy. Any non-motorized water-craft is welcome to enter the race. Wind Guru is calling for light winds on Saturday. It might be the perfect day to get out your rowboats!
Saturday, June 29th through
Saturday July 6th 2019

Saturday, June 29th through
Saturday July 6th 2019

PCYC Annual Regatta
Saturday, June 29th 2019

Saturday, June 29th 2019

Last weekend Beaconsfield Yacht club held the Ian Bruce Memorial Regatta and Canadian Laser Championships. The event was well attended with 55 competitors, young and old, in three fleets, Full Rig, Radial and 4.7.
The event was a 3 day event held Friday to Sunday. The race officers had their hands full on Friday with variable winds but managed to get 2 races for the full rigs in and 1 race for the Radials and 4.7’s.
Saturday looked hopeful with good winds forecasted in the afternoon. Unfortunately the wind never really filled in as expected. RC was still able to run 4 races for the full rigs and 3 races for Radials and 4.7’s.
Sunday turned out to be a day spent onshore waiting for wind that did not materialize. AP over A was hoisted at 1pm and prize giving began.
Many thanks to all who helped out and the amazing staff at BYC for putting on another great Laser regatta.
Le week-end dernier, le Yacht Club Beaconsfield a organisé la régate commémorative Ian Bruce et les championnats canadiens de laser. L’événement a attiré de nombreux participants, avec 55 concurrents, jeunes et moins jeunes, dans trois flottes: Full Rig, Radial et 4.7.
L’événement était un événement de 3 jours qui s’est tenu du vendredi au dimanche. Les officiers de course avaient les mains pleines vendredi avec des vents variables, mais ils ont réussi à faire 2 courses pour les plates-formes complètes et 1 course pour les Radials et 4.7.
Samedi semblait prometteur avec de bons vents prévus l’après-midi. Malheureusement, le vent ne s’est jamais vraiment rempli comme prévu. RC était toujours capable de courir 4 courses pour les appareils complets et 3 courses pour les Radials et 4.7.
Dimanche s’est avéré être une journée passée à terre à attendre du vent qui ne se soit pas matérialisé. AP over A a été hissé à 13 heures et la remise des prix a commencé.
Un grand merci à tous ceux qui ont aidé et au personnel extraordinaire de BYC pour avoir organisé une autre grande régate Laser.